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Why Sleeping on Your Left Side is Best
There are multiple benefits to sleeping on your LEFT side rather than your back or right side. The immediate benefit is in digestion. In the above diagram you will see that the stomach sphincter, known as the pyloric sphincter, is actually located on the upper right side of the body. So, when you lie on your right side, gastric juices, which are highly caustic, tend to reach the pyloric sphincter. In time, this sphincter is damaged by these digestive juices, and you develop a problem commonly known as Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease, or GERD. It's a fancy way of saying, you develop really, really bad heartburn. And if left untreated it can develop reflux (or belching of the contents) into your upper esophagus and throat, all of which can cause serious health issues such as erosion of the soft tissue. Now look at the figure lying on his LEFT side. You will note that by lying on his left side, the stomach content rolls over to the left side, but below the pyloric sphincter, ...
Can I say AWESOME!