
Showing posts from May, 2018

How to Get Your Kids to Eat Carrots

Do you have a child who simply won't eat carrots? Here's a recipe I tried on my grandson a couple of years ago, and he ate these with gusto! They are especially good, and not hard to make. Prep time is 5 minutes. Cook time 35 minutes Total time 40 minutes Serves: 3-4 Ingredients Carrot Fries 8 large carrots (about 850 grams) 1 tablespoon avocado oil 1 teaspoon garlic powder salt and pepper, to taste fresh cilantro, optional Curry Dipping Sauce ½ cup raw cashews, soaked 1½ tablespoons red curry paste 1 tablespoon coconut aminos (optional) 2 tablespoons lime juice ½ teaspoon garlic powder ½ teaspoon red pepper flakes ½ teaspoon ginger ¼ cup water Instructions Soak cashews the night before. Place in a small bowl and cover with water. Set aside. If you forget to soak them, add them to hot water while the carrots cook. Preheat oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit. Cut carrots in matchsticks. Place in a large bowl and mix w...

Why Sleeping on Your Left Side is Best

There are multiple benefits to sleeping on your LEFT side rather than your back or right side. The immediate benefit is in digestion. In the above diagram you will see that the stomach sphincter, known as the pyloric sphincter, is actually located on the upper right side of the body. So, when you lie on your right side, gastric juices, which are highly caustic, tend to reach the pyloric sphincter. In time, this sphincter is damaged by these digestive juices, and you develop a problem commonly known as Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease, or GERD. It's a fancy way of saying, you develop really, really bad heartburn. And if left untreated it can develop reflux (or belching of the contents) into your upper esophagus and throat, all of which can cause serious health issues such as erosion of the soft tissue. Now look at the figure lying on his LEFT side. You will note that by lying on his left side, the stomach content rolls over to the left side, but below the pyloric sphincter, ...

Time For A Day of Rest

It's Sunday folks. I take my Sunday's off very seriously. I spend time with my husband and see my Dad. So, for today, let me offer you a little Sunday music to enjoy. Spend the day with family and friends. Relax. We all need some down time! And remember, Health Alliance Network   offers you care 24 hours a day, even on Sundays! Visit HERE for more information. Have a blessed Sunday!

Have You Ever Used A Telemedicine Company Before?

I sat on the exam table in front of my family doctor, and asked what he thought about telemedicine, as I looked at his antiquated exam room. He held my chart in his lap, as he sat on the exam stool. A thick, 2-hole punch file folder. Somewhere in the cavern he calls a file room, are several others that belong to me as well. My files go back 30-years with this man. He was the staff physician at the very first nursing facility I worked for after I graduated from nursing school His bedside manner with his patients is what drew me to him. He truly cared for each and every one of them. His office walls are covered with the bits of bric-a-brac his patients have given him over the years as their way of showing their affection for him. As I looked at him, I realized he'd grown old these last 30 years. His hair, once dark brown is now white, as is my own. We both show our miles. Yet we had become so different. As a nurse, I was forced to embrace technology many years ago. Paper cha...

Could Eating Leafy Greens Prevent Alzheimer's Disease?

In a recent study by Rush University Medical Center in Chicago, eating one serving (1/2 cup raw or 1 one cup cooked) green leafy vegetables daily may significantly reduce memory loss and better preserve cognitive function. The study showed that individuals who ate 1.3 servings of leafy greens a day had cognitive abilities of persons 11 years younger than their own age. This is a promising and significant discovery that may eventually lead to a cure for Alzheimer's Disease which causes cognitive ability to decrease at a varying rate to individuals. Robbing them of an understanding mind, and usually shortening their life span. If you would like to talk to a dietician about the health benefits of eating leafy greens we can help! Health Alliance Network has physicians available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, even on holidays, to assist you with your health care needs. Even if those needs are simply questions regarding your diet. Our low cost telemedicine ...

Can Your Diet Help Fight Depression?

According to a recent study by the Mayo Clinic the DASH DIET has shown promising results in control groups for reducing depression in those diagnosed with the malady. DASH is an acronym for D ietary A pproaches to S top H ypertension. This approach has been successful in lowering blood pressures 8-14 points over time, with dramatic results in as little as two weeks. The diet consists of the consumption of lean proteins (like the salmon pictured above, vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and low-fat dairy products. Participants in the depression study had an average age of 81, the highest group nationwide to develop depression symptoms. And the group was divided into 3 separate groups. The findings showed that the two groups which closely followed the DASH DIET were less likely than the third group to develop depression. If you have questions about your diet or depression, we are here to assist you.   Health Alliance Network   offers y...

Are All Telemedicine Companies The Same?

See how we rate against the others! Health Alliance Network - we go the extra mile to give you the very best in telehealth care!

5 Symptoms of Cancer You May Overlook

There are a ton of symptoms that you are probably already aware of to look for cancer: a lump, discharge, uneven mole, etc. But here are five symptoms you might not think are serious enough to see a doctor about. 1: HOARSENESS If you develop hoarseness that doesn't go away after two weeks, or if you haven't had a cold or sore throat, you probably need to discuss this with your doctor. Long term hoarseness can be a sign of laryngeal or hypolaryngeal cancer. Other signs are a long term sore throat and persistent coughing. 2: TROUBLE SWALLOWING Having trouble swallowing could be a sign of esophageal cancer . Over time the growing cancer causes the esophagus to slowly close up, making it more and more difficult to swallow. The patient will sometimes not be fully aware of the problem, simply adjusting their diet slowly as the need arises; such as, going from meat and potatoes to eating mashed potatoes or soups. 3: DROOPY EYELIDS OR PUPIL CHANGES...

I Keep Hearing About Your Telemedicine Plan...

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What Sets You In A Tizzy?

We all have some trigger that sets us off. Makes us anxious. Grind our teeth. Hold our breath. Or even make us angry. Mine is a ringing telephone. Yeah, I know. A ringing telephone. It absolutely drives me crazy for the telephone to ring! My cell phone even has a polite little "Ding" instead of telephone ring. But I still know that means someone has called. And it's going to get me off kilter. I'll be taken away from whatever I am working on at the moment, whether that is a client, or a writing job, or research I'm deep in, I've got to stop what I am doing and answer the phone. Why? Well, there's six adult children who ALL live away; a Dad who is 81 years old and might be sick; or this; or that. So, for a brief moment, my heart races and I hold my breath, and my blood pressure begins to rise. So what's sets you in a tizzy? And what can you do about it? Well, I can't get away from my cell phone. I have clients who call me, even after hours...

Is Telemedicine The New Wave In Medical Care?

    So, just what is all the hype about telemedicine? You've probably heard some rumors about it on the computer, or a coworker talking about using it. But can it be explained?   gives this information: " The definition of telemedicine is somewhat controversial. Some definitions (such as the definition given by the World Health Organization [3] ) include all aspects of healthcare including preventive care. The American Telemedicine Association uses the terms telemedicine and telehealth interchangeably, although it acknowledges that telehealth is sometimes used more broadly for remote health not involving active clinical treatments."     Google gives us this: tel·e·med·i·cine ˈteləˌmedisin/ noun noun: telemedicine ; noun: tele-medicine the remote diagnosis and treatment of patients by means of telecommunications technology.     First, let me say that telemedicine has really been around a...

What Is Health Alliance Network?

You can learn more by visiting our website HERE.

Taking Care of You

We spend our days taking care of everyone and everything else...our spouse, our children, our employer, our friends, but do we take enough time to take care of ourselves? Well, maybe it's time you start to think about taking care of YOU. Why? You say you're okay and you really are needed  by everyone else more than you think you need to care for yourself. Look at it this way, if you don't take care of you, YOU will begin to breakdown eventually, and then WHO is going to take care of all of those others? So, it's for the benefit of everyone else that you care for that you keep yourself in the best shape possible. With that said, here are a few ways you can begin taking care of you physically, mentally and emotionally: (Health care for you & your family for less than a cup of coffee a day!) PHYSICALLY: Start with a sensible diet. Eat well. Get plenty of fluids. Then go with exercise. Some examples of fun exe...